The Changcuters - Tugas Akhir (Full Album 2011)

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The Changcuters - Tugas Akhir (Full Album 2011)

Tracklist :
1. Tari Getar
2. Parampampam
3. Only Love
4. Bu Lisa
5. Filosofi Rock N Roll
6. Resep Anti Patah Hati
7. Hey Bung
8. Kencan Sehat
9. Surfing Di Arab
10. Mama Papa Pujaan
11. Cuaca Ekstrim
12. The Tarix Jabrix

Download Via 4shared :
The Changcuters - Tari Getar

The Changcuters - Parampampam

The Changcuters - Only Love

The Changcuters - Bu Lisa

The Changcuters - Filosofi Rock N Roll

The Changcuters - Resep Anti Patah Hati

The Changcuters - Hey Bung

The Changcuters - Kencan Sehat

The Changcuters - Surfing Di Arab

The Changcuters - Mama Papa Pujaan

The Changcuters - Cuaca Ekstrim

The Changcuters - The Tarix Jabrix

Download Via Sharebeast :
The Changcuters - Tari Getar

The Changcuters - Parampampam

The Changcuters - Only Love

The Changcuters - Bu Lisa

The Changcuters - Filosofi Rock N Roll

The Changcuters - Resep Anti Patah Hati

The Changcuters - Hey Bung

The Changcuters - Kencan Sehat

The Changcuters - Surfing Di Arab

The Changcuters - Mama Papa Pujaan

The Changcuters - Cuaca Ekstrim

The Changcuters - The Tarix Jabrix

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